Professor Jan A. Kregel PhD
(Rutgers University) is Professor of Finance and Development. He used to work
as Chief of the Policy Analysis and Development Branch of the Financing for
Development Office of UNDESA, the United Nations’ Department of Economic and
Social Affairs. Until 2004, he was High Level Expert in International Finance
and Macroeconomics in the New York Liaison Office of the UN Conference on Trade
and Development (UNCTAD), being in essence its chief economist. For many years,
he held the Chair for Political Economy at the University of Bologna. He was on
the faculty of Johns Hopkins SAIS, whose Bologna Center he co-directed in the
late 1980s, and he is a Visiting Professor at the University of Missouri in Kansas
City and a Senior Scholar at the Levy Economics Institute at Bard College. He
is a Life Fellow of the Royal Economic Society in London and is counted as one
of the leading post-Keynesian economists today. His main area of interest is
finance and innovation.