Professor Carlota Perez is Professor of Technology and Socio-Economic Development.
She is also a Visiting
Professor of International Development at the London School of Economics and
Political Science (LSE) and Honorary Professorial fellow at SPRU, University of
Sussex, and at the
Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)
at University College London. In Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital:
The Dynamics of Bubbles and Golden Ages (Elgar 2002), she put forward her theory of the
emergence and diffusion of technological revolutions and of the role of finance
in the process. Her work has contributed to the present understanding of the
relationship between technology, innovation and economic development; between
technical and institutional change; and between finance and technological
diffusion. She is currently working on a sequel, Beyond the Technological Revolution, funded by the Anthemis Institute, which analyzes
the roles that government, business and civil society play in the deployment of
the potential of each revolution.
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