

Working paper by Erik S. Reinert on Developmentalism

Develpmentalism – or the idea of the ‘developmental state’ – was one of the most spectacularly successful ideologies of the 20th century. The Cold War and the division of most ideas into a camp of either being politically to the ‘right’ or to the ‘left’ has obliterated the fact that Developmentalism was successfully performed along the whole political axis, from fascism via social democracy to communism. In their emphasis on economic growth built on industrial mass production – on the idea that only a certain type of national economic structure is conducive to increased wealth – Stalin, Hitler and the Scandinavian social democracies all represented Developmentalism. With the growth and eventual dominance of neo-classical economics and economic neoliberalism, Developmentalism gradually disappeared along the whole political axis, with the exception of Asia and to some extent Brazil. (Working paper available under the section "WORKING PAPER, papers")