

Call for papers: Innovation in public management (EGPA Annual Conference)

Call for papers: Innovation in public management – practices, organizations & capacities

Permanent Study Group XV: Public Administration, Technology & Innovation

EGPA 2015 Annual Conference

26-28 August, Toulouse (France)

This year, the main theme of the PSG is innovation in public management. Although public sector innovation has become a well-accepted term for thinking about public sector changes, the precise understanding of what exactly constitutes innovation in public management and how it can be organized and managed has not been settled. We are seeking to put together an interdisciplinary debate on these questions. We invite papers that deal with diverse topics from the centre and periphery of what can be called as debates on innovation in public management.

This year the PSG is co-organized with the FP7 research project Learning Innovation in Public Sector Environments (LIPSE: There will be special sessions and discussions – open to all interested scholars – dedicated to research topics of the LIPSE project.

In addition, we invite, but are not limited to, theoretical and empirical papers (both case studies and comparisons) dealing with the following themes:

a) conceptual issues of public sector innovation: what is public sector innovation, how to measure public sector innovation and public sector innovation capacities, what are risks related to public sector and social innovation, how does the diffusion of public sector innovations take place?

b) use of innovative practices in public management: how do practices such as co-production, collaborative innovation and governance, design thinking function in the public sector and how do they influence public sector from policy-making processes to organizational issues (management structures, tasks, autonomy, coordination practices, accountability systems, etc)?

c) use of new technologies in the public sector: how does the adoption of new technologies or technological solutions (not limited to just ICT) influence how public sector organizations function in policy making and service delivery (management structures, tasks, autonomy, coordination practices, accountability systems etc)?

d) innovative organizations in the public sector: where does innovation happen in the public sector, how are innovative public sectors organizations – from iLabs and iTeams (such as NESTA in the UK) to mission or challenge-oriented agencies in specific policy domains (such as SITRA in Finland and DARPA & ARPA-E in the US) – structured and managed?

Sessions of the PSG will be co-organized by Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology (Prof. Rainer Kattel and Dr. Erkki Karo), and LIPSE project partners from the Erasmus University Rotterdam (Prof. Victor Bekkers and Prof. Lars Tummers). We will also invite other experts participating at EGPA as discussant to the sessions.

Key deadlines:

Deadline for online submission of abstracts proposals: 15 April 2015

Deadline for decision and selection of abstracts: 5 May 2015

Deadline for submitting the complete papers: 31 July 2015

For submission of abstracts, further information, please refer to the conference website: For further questions, please contact Dr. Erkki Karo: