

Public lectures by candidates for professorships on 7 May

Candidate for the professor of Public Finance and Governance within the Chair of Governance at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance Ringa Raudla’s venia lengendi on the topic „The use of performance information in cutback budgeting: the case of Estonia“ will take place on 7 May at 13:00 (Akadeemia tee 3, room x-312).

It will be followed by Robert Krimmer’s venia legendi on the topic „Why the black (ballot) box is not good enough anymore-the new concept of „verifiability“ in elections“ starting at 14:00 in the same room. Dr Krimmer is a candidate for the Professor of E-governance position also within the Chair of Governance at the Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance.