

Call for papers for the 2014 EGPA Annual Conference

The Permanent Study Group "Public Administration, Technology & Innovation" (PATI) within EGPA (European Group for Public Administration) has announced the call for papers for the EGPA Annual Conference to be held in 10-12 September 2014 in Speyer, Germany:

Innovation in public management

Although public sector innovation has become a well-accepted term for thinking about public sector changes, the precise limits of what exactly constitutes innovation in public management have not been settled. We are seeking to put together an interdisciplinary debate on this question by inviting papers that deal with diverse topics from the centre and periphery of what can be called as debates on innovation in public management.

The PSG will be ‘co-sponsored’ by and following the research philosophy of the FP7 research project "Learning Innovation in Public Sector Environments" (LIPSE:

We invite, but are not limited to, theoretical and empirical papers dealing with the ways:

a) how technology (not limited to just ICT) influences how public sector organizations function in policy making and service delivery – i.e., management structures, tasks, autonomy, coordination practices, accountability systems, etc (see, e.g. Pollitt, C. 2012, New Perspectives on Public Services: Place and Technology, Oxford)?

b) how are the principles and practices of co-creation, collaborative innovation and governance influencing public services, management structures and coordination practices (see, e.g., the special issue on ‘Collaborative Innovation in the Public Sector’ in the The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, vol. 17(1), 2012, edited by Sorensen, E. and Torfing, J.)?

c) how could the practices of private sector innovation planning and management (such as foresight, design thinking etc) affect public management – i.e., management structures, tasks, autonomy, coordination practices, accountability systems, etc (see, e.g. Kuosa, T. 2012, The Evolution of Strategic Foresight: Navigating Public Policy Making, Gower)?

Key deadlines:

Deadline for online submission of abstracts proposals: 15 May 2014

Deadline for decision and selection of abstracts: 1 June 2014

Deadline for submitting the complete papers: 5 August 2014

For submission of abstracts, further information, please go to:

For questions, please contact Dr. Erkki Karo: