
Zhongkun Zhang

Title: ‘E-Governance in China: Present and Future (A comparative study of the US and China)’

Supervisor: Dr. Margit Suurna, Research Fellow

Opponent: Dr. Vasilis Kostakis

Defense: 7 June 2012

Abstract: Although many have questioned the existence of E-governance in China, it does undoubtedly exist. After decades of development, E-governance is still in its initial stages in China. Though there are many problems implementing E-governance in China, the Chinese government continues to persevere in learning and developing a Chinese version of E-governance adapted to the communist political system. This paper presents the current situation and problems that exists in E-governance in China through a comparative analysis of E-governance functions in the United States and China. The results of the analysis indicate the problems as well as the potential for E-governance in China, and suggestions and solutions are offered for the E-governance problems in China.

Keywords: e-governance, e-government, China, U.S.A., information technology, information openness.