
Riivo Kiljak

Title: 'Open-Source Software in General Education Schools on the Case of Gymnasiums in Tallinn'

Supervisor:  Dr. Tarmo Kalvet, Senior Research Fellow

Opponent: Dr. Robert Krimmer, Senior Research Fellow

Defense: 6 June 2014


Abstract: The confrontation of open and closed source software has been an important topic since the wider use of personal computers, but factors which lead to the preference of one or the other are under researched. Using technology acceptance theories and complementing them with what is known on factors leading to preferring open source software, IT support functions in gymnasiums in Tallinn are studied. The results confirm that interface user friendliness, compatibility and functionality are the three most important factors. Security issues were not found to be relevant; this conflicts with what is proposed in literature. Policies and attitudes on the city and government level have also significant impact, showing the need to complement the technology acceptance theories with policy environment perspective.

Keywords: Open and closed source software, ICT, Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model, Technology acceptance model (TAM), Higher education policy.