
Lisa Marie Wetzig

Title: From Principle to Practice: Understanding Citizen-Centricity in Public Service Digitalisation Through Vulnerability. The Case of German Unemployment Welfare Services

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Anu Masso

Opponent: Dr. Luiza Schuch de Azambuja

Defense: 3 June 2024


Abstract: Citizen-centricity as a central principle in the digitalisation of public services holds great promise. However, the translation of this principle into practice is far from straightforward. The logic of service development, design, and delivery is to be inverted from following the administrative structure to taking the needs of citizens as the focal point. Yet, it remains unclear how the diversity of citizens' needs can be met, especially those in vulnerable situations who are dependent on welfare. This research sets out a constructive approach analysing how vulnerabilities are accounted for in the digitalisation of public services, in particular in the case of unemployment welfare benefits in Germany. For this purpose, a novel analytical lens is modelled, integrating three understandings of vulnerability: particularistic, universal and layered. This allows examining the underlying understanding of vulnerability across three implementation stages. Analysing the planning, execution, and mediation of the digitalisation of public services reveals how vulnerability is accounted for. In the larger problem context of understanding citizen-centricity in practice, it is synthesised how digitalisation can be human-centric in an inclusive or equitable way or by providing equality.


Keywords: citizen-centricity, vulnerability, digital welfare services, unemployment