Title: 'Transforming Technological Innovation Systems: A Functional Analysis of the Estonian Renewable Power Generation System'
Supervisor: Kaija Valdmaa, MA Junior Research Fellow
Opponent: Aleksandrs Cepilovs, MA, Junior Research Fellow
Defense: 6 June 2014
Abstract: The current research takes a look at electricity generation from renewable energy sources in Estonia from a technological innovation system perspective. The system is analyzed based on how well a set of functions is fulfilled. Based on that the mechanisms that block or induce the transformation of the system from a formative to a growth phase and the policy measures necessary for that transformation to happen are identified. The research found that the main areas that need to be dealt with in this particular case are educational and institutional alignment between the incumbent and new systems; revision of the current institutional framework, including the allocation of subsidies and support measures as well as permit attainment processes; and fostering the creation of networks and feedback loops.
Keywords: technological innovation system, electricity generation, renewable energy sources, functional analysis, energy policy.