
Kairi Madisson

Title: ‘Networking in Biotechnology and Information and Communication Technology Sectors Based on the Example of Spin-Offs of Tallinn University of Technology

Supervisor: Margit Suurna, MA, Research Fellow

Opponent: Piret Tõnurist, MA

Defense: 14 June 2010

Abstract: The aim of the thesis is to explore, what factors influence the process of innovation in high technology in Estonian spin-off enterprises and what are the forms of collaboration in biotechnology and ICT sectors used in innovation processes. The theme of the research is to map the reasons how different factors are exploited in innovation-related activities and in which way they might become important in the innovation processes. The author estimats on the theoretical basis the factors influencing the cooperation relations and patterns of collaboration, and then based on the results of interviews that author carried out the overall estimations and conclusions are made on collaboration patterns and factors determining the collaboration in ICT and biotechnology sectors. The features that determine the relevance of networking in high-technology sectors are broadly similar – sufficient financial resources, availability of suitable partners and constant learning necessity are vital for staying competitive. In Estonia the enterprises that are active in innovation field are quite small, meaning that partnering in order to be successful in innovation process is vital. Still the cooperation has not been formed in long term perspective, rather there have been used short term networking patterns. The state in influencing the formulation of networking mainly has the role of the provider of the possibilities for creating clear policy environment, sufficient financing base and relevant information for innovation process.

Keywords: Networking, ICT, biotechnology, spin-offs, innovation, policy impact.