
Johanna Vallistu

Title: 'The determinants of the use of behavioural additionality in innovation policy evaluation. The case of Estonia'

Supervisor: Dr. Tarmo Kalvet (TUT); Thomas Delahais, MSc. (Lyon)

Opponent: Aleksandrs Cepilovs, MA, Junior Research Fellow

Defense: 27 January 2014


Abstract: The creation of behavioural additionality – targeting an increase in innovative skills and knowledge and change in the behaviour of companies – has been one of the central issues of Estonian innovation policy during 2007-2013. However, the current evaluation practices do not have a systematic view to the concept, exploring it indirectly. The study examines the reasons behind the current situation and proposes a set of determinants of the use of behavioural additionality in evaluations. It brings to light the fact that behavioural additionality is as much the issue of a policy cycle as evaluation.

Keywords: Policy evaluation, behavioural additionality, innovation policy, additionality, policy cycle.