Title: The Solar Photovoltaic Sector in Spain: Policy Framework Implications
Supervisor: Egert Juuse, PhD
Opponent: Aleksandrs Cepilovs, PhD
Defense: 23 January 2019
Abstract: The present Master’s Thesis seeks to analyze the state of Spanish solar photovoltaic (henceforth PV) energy sector, putting a special focus on research, development and innovation (henceforth RD&I) and other policies affecting the development of the PV manufacturing industry. Historical factors are analysed in order to understand how Spain has arrived at its current situation. Policy-mixes from several top-manufacturing countries are put into perspective so it can be understood what is working internationally and which lessons can Spanish policy-makers learn. Writing an in-depth analysis of the Spanish policy framework affecting solar PV sector in general and RD&I in particular is one of the main objectives of this Master’s Thesis. The main finding is that although the Spanish institutions are supporting RD&I, there are not enough market interventions for creating demand for solar PV technology. While there are very few interventions of this type in Spain, they are common in all the rest of the countries that have been analysed.
Keywords: Photovoltaic sector, Policy-mix, Productive Development Policies, RD&I policies, Spain, Global Value Chains