
Constanza Jorquera

Title: Promoting Public Procurement For Innovation And Circular Economy In Chile: DCCP Challenges And Limitations

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Veiko Lember

Opponent: Dr. Aleksandrs Cepilovs

Defense: 3 June 2024


Abstract: Public procurement has become a significant tool for governments to promote innovation and address environmental challenges. In Chile, public procurement represents 4,5% of the GDP in public contracts, which highlights its potential to influence the development of markets and achieve social, economic, and environmental goals. Despite the promotion of public procurement of innovation initiatives, there is a lack of continuity and no records of circular economy criteria. The State of Chile has developed initiatives to promote public procurement of innovation and sustainability, but there is a need for further research on the implementation of instruments. A qualitative design will be applied to conduct semi-structured interviews with public servants of ChileCompra and its policymakers to understand their perspective on the implementation process of procurement instruments that promote innovation and circular economy.


Keywords: Public procurement; Innovation; circular economy; implementation