Title: 'Technology transfer in low-tech industries: the case of biotechnology and aquaculture industry in Estonia'
Supervisor: Piret Tõnurist, MA, Research Fellow
Opponent: Aleksandrs Cepilovs, MA, Research Fellow
Defense: 9 September 2013
Abstract: Estonian aquaculture sector comprises of only a few companies, which vary greatly by technological capabilities. The policies regarding the aquaculture sector have been focusing on providing financial support for aquaculture companies for applying the most modern technologies. It is unclear, whether these new technologies have been successfully applied and exploited. This thesis provides an analytical overview of the Estonian aquaculture sector and its technology transfer capabilities, public sector policies regarding innovation in the sector and research and development activities in the area. The work aims to provide knowledge about the absorptive capacity of Estonian aquaculture companies and the possibilities of applying biotechnological applications.
Keywords: technology transfer, absorptive capacity, aquaculture, technology diffusion, biotechnology, innovation policies.